Interview with Jean-Luc Nancy: “There Is No West Anymore” in Huffington Post

2016-07-13-1468418280-8023677-JeanLucNancyfotoachalivianamessina-thumb.jpgInterview with Jean-Luc Nancy: “There Is No West Anymore”. Thanks to dmfant for the link.

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1 Response to Interview with Jean-Luc Nancy: “There Is No West Anymore” in Huffington Post

  1. dmf says:

    no need for thanks just glad to lend a hand, thank you for all you share here. was doing some work in Memphis a few years back trying to ease the brutal infant mortality rate in Shelby county and that’s a truly tragic region of the failing American experiment in democracy.
    “On the eve of the Olympics, Shakespeare’s mix of sex, politics and intrigue plays out in Rio. 400 years after Shakespeare’s death, his plays have come to Brazil and are being played to packed houses in front of enthralled audiences who respond instinctively to their passionate mix of political corruption, violence, sex, death and the supernatural.”

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