Foucault’s library card

I found this yesterday, while looking for something else. It’s Foucault’s library card for the Bibliothèque nationale de France, found on their images site.

I can’t read and/or decipher it all, but here’s what I can work out. [It’s worth noting little or none of this is Foucault’s own handwriting.]

The photo looks like early 1960s to me, and there is a date of 25.9.1962 in the bottom right. But there are also a series of dates in the top half beginning with 12.IV.69 and then yearly renewals from 1970 through to 1979, though I think missing 1978. We know that Foucault started using the Bibliothèque du Saulchoir as his primary research base in summer 1979.

Under Titres, it first says agregé de philosophie, then Prof Fac en Vincennes (which Foucault joined in 1968) and then Collège de Fr[ance], to which he was elected in 1970.

The first address is 13 rue du Dr Finlay, where Foucault moved in summer 1961, and then 285 ave de Vaugirard, where he moved in January 1971, and where Daniel Defert still lives. [It looks like someone has tried to correct the second address, as it’s actually rue de Vaugirard.]

In the bottom left is Foucault’s date of birth 15.X.26.

I’m not sure what the codes in the Observations section mean. Happy to receive additions or corrections.

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5 Responses to Foucault’s library card

  1. Clare O'Farrell says:

    Reblogged this on Foucault News.

  2. dmf says:

    Slavoj and Terry Pinkard on Hegel today

  3. cpakatiff says:

    Much appreciated curiosity.   Thanks for sharing,  Clark Akatiff 

  4. Pingback: Bibliothèque nationale de France – famous reader cards, including Simone Weil, Léopold Sédar Senghor and Roland Barthes | Progressive Geographies

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